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A Guide to Business Communication

The interaction between people of the same organization for effective production is referred as business communication. It is inclusive of various aspects ,for example; public relations,marketing,branding,customer relations, advertising, consumer behavior, reputation management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement and event management.

print media,television,radio,internet,word of mouth are examples of channels used in business communication.

Business communication is an important common unit that is taught in many colleges and universities. business communication play a part in boosting business which I s a main source of income in our society. the good performance of an business organization us of highly contributed by the effective communication between the members.

for a business communication to be good the choice of communication method matters.This methods includes; web-based communication which is communication on the internet and allows communication at any time at any place. use of videos in conferencing which is a method allowing interaction of people at different place.Different departments document their work as reports which are exchanged as communication. the exchange of ideas is made possible through this reports. use of presentations as another method of communication that is crucial in enhancing results. This is effected through use audiovisual materials,like hard copies of reports ,use of Microsoft PowerPoint or adobe flash.documented face to face meetings and forum boards are important in the business communication. use of suggestion box is an important component of improving business communication. This is mostly used as an upward communication method because it is used by those employees who may shy from communicating to the management directly when they write a note of their suggestions or complaints and throw it in the suggestion box.

Within an organization there are various direction of communication which enhances effective of the directions of business communication includes top-down direction by the managers to the employees using circulars ,memos, newsletters and others. a second method involves bottom-up direction in which the employees pass information to the managers through suggestions,e-mails,reports. communication between employees of the same level in an organization involves horizontal communication examples of ways used in horizontal communication is through circulars,e-mails,telephones and others. Diagonal communication involves communication between managers of different levels.

more factors to consider in business communication are as follows.use of face to face communication is preferable as it involves interaction between customer and clients hence effective sales. The customer is given an opportunity to test the product and hence it is easier to convince the customer.maintaining a good eye contact is important in face to face communication.the words used in the e-mail communication in business communication should be critically chosen. in the use of telephone communication it is important to be clear, reflect a good attitude and escape use of unnecessary words. listening is a skill required in business communication and hence it is important to listen carefully without interrupting unnecessarily.

business communication is an important aspect of a successful business.

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