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Getting by Anxiety in Menopause. Most women in their menopause ages are likely to suffer from anxiety. As a matter of fact, anxiety is the most common pre-menopause and menopause symptom noticed in women. Point to note is that anxiety is very much associated with hormones. Everyone experiences anxiety and it’s something that one goes through during different periods in their life. Getting anxious is quite normal among human beings. All the same, these are feelings that should not frequently be felt or make one feel overwhelmed or ensnared. Anxiety in menopause is caused by the following factors. It is common in females because they are experiencing a lot of hormonal changes in their bodies. Anxiety causes women in this state suffer from depression and stress. Lack of estrogen in the body is a lead causative of anxiety in women. And in most cases anxiety is a symptom of depression.
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More to this facts, research further shows that the hormones progesterone which also reduces during menopause is said to have a calming and relaxing effect on the body. One even gets to react to issues that they faced long time ago this is because of the hormonal imbalance taking place in their body.
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Shaking and shivering, fatigue, restlessness while sleeping, concentration problems, sweating, and nausea are some of the symptoms associated with anxiety in women in their menopause years. However it should be noted that not everyone experiences these feelings, the above symptoms may be felt at different times, or some of them could even occur unexpectedly, last for a short period then they withdraw. One is said to suffer panic attacks once they get frequent ambushes of anxiety. There are ways which can help you relieve anxiety once you feel it. Try reducing stress in your life. It is advised that one can figure out what majorly causes stress in their lives. Look for a therapist or even try working towards preventing them from occurring. Stress is sometimes caused by work, home related issues and the people you work with. Create some alone time, enjoy yourself, relax. Find things that excite you, you need a break every once, and a while take this opportunity to do what you love. It is believed that those who don’t take time out of their busy schedules to do fun stuff suffer stress a lot. Don’t eat before sleeping, eat right and avoid dieting and you will see just how well one gets to survive without anxiety. If you are one who loves to diet or maybe feed just right before going to bed then you might consider changing your feeding habits after reading this post. This is actually what causes restlessness and anxiety while sleeping. A a hydrated body is a strong body, make sure you keep your body hydrated, and this will help in preventing anxiety. With all this in practice also see to it that you exercise a lot. Your body will be in good shape, and the circulation in your body also goes on well.