This is how much homeowners are spending to replace a roof or furnace and fix a toilet

Something you often hear about home ownership is that it’s a forced savings plan. What you never hear is that owning a home is a forced spending plan as well.

While you’re building equity by making regular mortgage payments, you’re also paying for repairs and maintenance. But how much, exactly? Home repair costs are the great unknown of home ownership.

To bring some clarity to the cost of home maintenance, I asked readers of the Carrick on Money e-mail newsletter to fill out a questionnaire about the cost of repairs they’ve done and additional details such as the size and

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How to Fix a Broken Toilet

It’s annoying. One moment a toilet flushes reliably. The next, it doesn’t. In most cases, the fix is fast and simple, requiring a few minutes of work and a trip to the hardware store or home center. But let’s take a worst-case example. Suppose the toilet’s fill valve is shot. Again, it’s not a big deal. Fill valve kits are designed with DIY installers and handy people in mind. Honestly, there’s not much to installing one.

The first step is to lift the toilet tank lid and have a look inside.

Step 1: Investigate the Flush Lever and Flapper valve

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