Property Developer Starts Lyrics of Alas Kethu Wonogiri, Available Types 36 and 48 –

SOLOPOS.COM – The atmosphere of the Safira Green Forest housing complex in the middle of Alas Kethu, Giriwono Village, Wonogiri District/Regency, Wednesday (22/2/2023). ( Diky Praditia), WONOGIRI — Wonogiri is considered to be a new market real estate or real estate in Soloraya. Residential property developers are starting to look at Wonogiri, including in Alas Kethu.

One of those developers, namely Safira Group. This property developer is developing housing in the middle of the Alas Kethu urban forest, Giriwono Village, Wonogiri District/Regency.

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Safira Group started to develop housing called Safira Green Forest in early 2020. Unmitigated, Safira Green Forest is the housing complex with the most units among the 21 housing units built by the Safira Group in Soloraya, namely 243 housing units. For information, the Safira Group is a housing developer based in Solo

Safira Green Forest Wonogiri Marketing Staff, Eko Utomo, said that the Safira Group saw a sizable market opportunity in Wonogiri. His party assesses that many Wonogiri people have started to be literate in investing in the property sector instead of just investing in land. Especially for those who migrate wander out of town.

“Wonogiri people are successful abroad. They used to have money mindset-his still land, land, and land. Now it has started to change to properties. Indeed, our market segmentation is for the middle class,” said Eko when met at the Safira Green Forest Marketing Office, Wednesday (22/2/2023).

On that basis, Safira Group dares to develop 243 housing units on a three hectare (ha) land in the middle of Alas Kethu. Currently around 40 units of houses have been sold and 18 of them are occupied.

According to Eko, not a few buyers come from out of town. Apart from being an investment, the houses are usually used as shelters or transit houses on weekends.

Safira Group also targets office employees who come from areas far from Wonogiri City but work in the city center, such as civil servants (PNS) or bank employees. Several housing units have indeed been purchased by these employees.

Eko admits that Safira Green Forest is quite difficult to buy for people who have an income equivalent to the district minimum wage (UMK). The developer provides a house type 36 (building area) with a land area of ​​72 square meters and a house type 48 with a land area of ​​90 square meters.

Prices for type 36 houses start at IDR 259 million/unit. Meanwhile, prices for type 48 houses start at IDR 460 million/unit.

Buying a house in Green Forest Wonogiri uses a build order system, that is, a new house will be built if clusters the house has been booked.

“The design of the house can also be according to the taste of the buyer. So they can occupy the house according to their wishes, according to their wishes,” he said.

According to Eko, the price of housing units in Safira Green Forest Wonogiri is indeed slightly higher than that of other housing units of a similar type in Wonogiri, but still relatively affordable. This housing is even known by the people of Wonogiri as elite or exclusive housing.

With that price, he continued, Safira Green Forest offers an offer that no other housing in Wonogiri offers. He explained that the housing complex in the middle of Alas Kethu has a comfortable, beautiful and cool environment.

Even though it’s in the middle of a forest, access to the city center only takes three minutes. This housing is also close to vital facilities such as hospitals, educational and business centers, and tourism.

“What is no less important, there are public facilities in the housing, such as a children’s playground and in the future there will be shops. Residential road width up to 11 meters. There is onegate system with and walls around the housing. That is also what buyers often consider when buying a house here,” explained Eko.

Eko said that the Safira Green Forest housing, which has a villa-like residential concept, is not government subsidized housing. However, the mechanism for purchasing housing units can be through banking housing loans (KPR).

Meanwhile, based on investment data from Wonogiri as of the third quarter of 2022, the investment value real estate always included in the top 10 business sectors with the highest investment value in Wonogiri.

In the first quarter of 2022 the value of sector investment real estate was in eighth place worth IDR 17.19 billion. In the second quarter of 2022, it rose to fourth place with an investment value of IDR 25.5 billion.

Meanwhile, in the third quarter, it fell back to eighth position with an investment value of IDR 10.4 billion.

monitoring in Safita Green Forest, the distance between the housing and the main road is about 400 km. To enter this housing, you have to go through Alas Kethu in the form of teak trees. Nevertheless, the road to the housing is quite wide and can be accessed using any type of motorized vehicle.

Even though you have to go through the forest first, this housing is actually quite close to other settlements. It is only limited to garden land or residents’ fields. The atmosphere of this housing is still beautiful and far from noise.