Stress is known to negatively affect our health; it can prompt stomach pains, head pains, and sleep issues among numerous different issues. The other adverse effect of stress is that it can lead to problems to the health of your teeth. Stress can prompt numerous issues in your mouth; it can even prompt teeth loss and the painful temporary mandibular joint syndrome.
The mouth issues that are most visible and are caused by stress are canker sores as well as fever blisters. Canker sores are those small grey or white ulcers that usually appear in the mouth, these sores are not contagious but they are painful as well as embarrassing. Nobody understands what these sores are but your dental specialist will know that they are caused by stress. Fever blisters generally called cold sores are ordinarily caused by a virus that lives in the body. The virus is called herpes simplex and the outbreaks it has are contagious, these sores are a cluster of water filled blisters that appear on the mouth. Herpes is normally triggered by lack of sleep as well as stress, there are available treatments and if you see them seek a dentist help immediately.
Another tooth problem that can be caused by stress is tooth grinding also known as bruxism, this is very common when you are stressed and you tend to grind your jaw in your sleep. You can do it when you are unconscious however you can likewise do it in the event that you are awake, this will prompt the wearing out of your molars, cracking and also fracturing of your teeth. Grinding of your teeth can incite temporal mandibular joint issue which is a to a great degree painful condition. You will tend to have pain in your jaw, your face or even your ears. If you happen to have this grinding of the jaw make sure you seek the help of the dentist right away.
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Sadness or even depression caused by stress can make you not take care of your teeth as you should. It is extraordinarily difficult to care for normal things when you happen to be stresses and you may give up your dental cleanliness. Stress can even influence you to quit visiting to your dental specialist for regular checkups and this will prompt teeth issues.
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The drugs you use for your stress like antidepressants can provoke a dry mouth, if you have a happen toward to having a dry mouth you may end up having dental issues. If happen to experience a dry mouth because of the drugs prescribed to you for your stress, make sure that you talk to your dentist about this.